19th-Century Insight Into the Psychology of Color and Emotion

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Thursday 30 August 2012

A time capsule of Goethe's intuition on the roles and manifestations of colors in our lives.

Color is an essential part of how we experience the world, both biologically and culturally. One of the earliest formal explorations of color theory came from an unlikely source -- the German poet, artist, and politician Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who in 1810 published Theory of Colours (public library; public domain), his treatise on the nature, function, and psychology of colors. Though the work was dismissed by a large portion of the scientific community, it remained of intense interest to a cohort of prominent philosophers and physicists, including Arthur Schopenhauer, Kurt Gödel, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.

One of Goethe's most radical points was a refutation of Newton's ideas about the color spectrum, suggesting instead that darkness is an active ingredient rather than the mere passive absence of light.

read more at the link above

Cool Hunting Video Presents: Bentley

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Tuesday 28 August 2012

During a recent trip to England we were invited to tour Bentley's factory in Crewe and had the chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at how these luxury powerhouses are put together from start to finish. The hands-on plant offered a wildly different experience than other car manufacturing processes we have seen and, by relying on a level of manual precision machines can't always replicate, provided a fascinating example of the merge of technology and craftsmanship in creating truly luxurious custom automobiles.

Micro Empire


Clemens Wirth & Radium Audio presents:
Micro Empire
...moving on from Macro Kingdom, we pass through the portal of a microscope to venture into the Micro Empire ... surrounding us … inhabiting us …
Stranger than fiction… molecular conflict and mitochondrial warfare … a heartstopping, subcellular epic … a truly microcinematic experience …
“as an enthusiast for little things, I wanted to go deeper than the macro universe, so I found myself hanging on the eyepiece of a microscope. The real challenge was definitely the small depth of field in microscopy. It’s really fascinating how detailed this tiny world is.”

Video: Clemens Wirth (clemenswirth.com)
Audio: Radium Audio (radium-audio.com/)

The KO Hip-Hop Cello-Beatbox Experience - Julie-O.

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Saturday 18 August 2012

Also check out the interpretation below

Mark Summer, undoubtably the finest cellist around performs his composition 'Julie-o' for solo cello at the Perth international Arts festival

This Exquisite Forest: Introduction

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Wednesday 8 August 2012

A Collaborative Animation Platform, From Chris Milk, Aaron Koblin, And Google

A community of amateur and professional artists are using Google-developed animation tools to create stream-of-consciousness videos.

This Exquisite Forest is an online collaborative art experiment presented by Google and Tate Modern. The project lets users create short animations that build off one another as they explore a specific theme. It can be accessed via the website exquisiteforest.com and through a physical installation at Tate Modern (http://www.tate.org.uk/) from July 23, 2012.

East London's street art - Graffiti


For visitors and newcomers, the mention of London conjures up images of the queen, gray skies, Big Ben and Parliament.

But the opening of the Games of the 30th Olympiad will confront millions around the world with unfamiliar scenes of London's East End, the vibrant and distinctly proletarian heart of the capital.

East London has long housed the capital's working, criminal and creative classes. And Stratford, where the Olympic Park now stands, has been regarded by many as little more than a post-industrial wasteland, a relic of the city's bygone manufacturing era.

Read more at source: cnn.com

Usain Bolt - The artwork of James Cochran aKa Jimmy C



Artist James Cochran (aka Jimmy C) paints a portrait of Usain Bolt in London's east end to celebrate the Olympic games and the 50th anniversary of independence for Jamaica

More than three meters above east London's Sclater Street is a mural of sprinter Usain Bolt, captured in explosive color by artist James Cochran.

The street artwork, more than four meters high and six meters wide, is a dramatic sight, designed by Cochran to celebrate London's Olympic Games.

Cochran, known as "Jimmy C," has a style which combines his background in graffiti art and academic training in figurative realism.

Source: cnn.com

View more of his work below. Source: akajimmyc.com

Frank Höhne – Philosophy of Bock

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Tuesday 7 August 2012

Frank Höhne brought us into his home and studio space in Berlin to show how (and why) he works as an illustrator. Pen in hand, Höhne works quickly, intuitively, and spontaneously, rarely with a plan, and always with his quirky and easygoing sense of humor. Joy, or “Bock,” as it’s said colloquially in German, is an important aspect of life and work for Höhne—something which he hilariously describes in his first monograph, The Book of Bock. It’s this combination of idiosyncratic humor, refreshingly childlike spontaneity, and down-to-earth nature that has allowed Höhne to quickly establish himself as one of Germany’s leading illustrators, with clients including BMW Mini, Nike, Aveda, as well as a broad range of German newspapers and magazines.

Höhne’s first monograph, The Book of Bock, is now avaialbe from Gestalten.

Sweeping Landscapes Painted On A High School Teacher’s White Board

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Monday 6 August 2012


We all have different ways of coping with the boredom that comes with a daily routine. Some of us take to YouTube, others smoke. When Gregory Euclide gets restless, he draws.

The Minnesota-by-way-of-Wisconsin artist, who has exhibited at Mass MoCA and MAD, teaches high schoolers outside of Minneapolis. The relentless schedule--”38 students an hour, five hours a day, for 8 months”--spurred him to start drawing at work, as a stress release. “During my lunch break I would start these drawings on the white board,” explains Euclide. “I would give myself 25 minutes to finish something.”

Read more at fastcodesign.com

Typography design Inspiration

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Saturday 4 August 2012

SoundWorks Collection - The Sound and Music of The Dark Knight Rises


Visionary Director Christopher Nolan returns for the final chapter of the Batman saga. In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection video we profile the sound and music team including Composer Hans Zimmer and Supervising Sound Editor and Sound Designer Richard King.


Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ The Dark Knight Rises is the epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon both hoped was the greater good. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was crushed under the weight of the anti-crime Dent Act. But everything will change with the arrival of a cunning cat burglar with a mysterious agenda. Far more dangerous, however, is the emergence of Bane, a masked terrorist whose ruthless plans for Gotham drive Bruce out of his self-imposed exile. But even if he dons the cape and cowl again, Batman may be no match for Bane.

Victoria: She’s changing everything… Identity


Consider some of London’s famous districts and immediate associations spring to mind. The City stands for finance. Soho is the media village. The South Bank is the artistic hub. But what about Victoria?

It’s one of London’s most visited areas, yet no single association readily comes to mind. SW1 spans the political village of Westminster and Downing Street, the elegant squares of Belgravia, the Georgian terraces of Pimlico, the riverbank and Tate Britain, Buckingham Palace and three Royal Parks.

The modular BrandWorld is highly flexible and enables the organisation to be speedily adaptive in the way it communicates with audiences.’ Says David Law, co-founder of SomeOne. ‘We have set up two sides of the visual brand identity, one fixed set (wordmark / typefaces / colour systems) to be used in a broadcast manner where badging is required, and another — employing the ‘v-grid’ for more conversational applications’

Idenity created by SomeOne.

Source: someoneinlondon



The One Color Logos Collection



source: behance.net

NYC 22 Intro / Opening Credits HD


Still enjoying the opening sequence to NYC22. Take a peak and nod your head as you get taken through NY...

Olympic Cauldron London 2012 designed by Thomas Heatherwick

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Friday 3 August 2012


Established by Thomas Heatherwick in 1994, Heatherwick studio is recognized for its work in architecture, urban infrastructure, sculpture, furniture design and strategic thinking. Team members come from disciplinary backgrounds that include architecture, product design, model making, fabrication, landscape design, fine art and curation......

Watch "A future more beautiful?"
Architect Thomas Heatherwick shows five recent projects featuring ingenious bio-inspired designs. Some are remakes of the ordinary: a bus, a bridge, a power station … And one is an extraordinary pavilion, the Seed Cathedral, a celebration of growth and light.

at the link above....