IDEO: Site Redesign

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Friday 15 August 2008

The global design firm touts its first site overhaul in seven years.

IDEO project lead Valerie Casey and her team have revamped their company's website to provide an all-encompassing view of its culture, one she herself describes as "transparent, messy and highly creative."

In doing so, Casey & crew have bathed in tiles of assorted, pink-coated web pages that are tethered to three specific sections of the site. Each of the three sections is highlighted in black on the landing page and cover in-depth everything from IDEO thinking, its creative culture and featured work to news, R+D innovations and its various services.

As a little shortcut, by mousing over any of the three black tiles, you’ll highlight a specific group of pink pages that you can directly access without having to scour through each section.

Go to the Web site

Client: IDEO
Design: IDEO
Project Lead: Valerie Casey
Lead Designer: Jeffrey Nebolini
Content Manager: Liz Armistead
Co-Development: Solspace
Developer: Mitchell Kimbrough

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