The Rise of the New Groupthink

by R27 CREATIVELAB on Tuesday 17 January 2012

Every introverts nightmare-trying to change themselves into extroverts when it is not in their nature. The real geniuses of this world are not compatible with the group-they often are the nerds, geeks and dweebs that the rest of the group discounts because they-in the introverts mind-are trying to interject something of value that they could not think about in depth first. Then because they lack the well thought out process, they cannot lay a rational and understandable explanation for an insight not fully developed. WE think the rest of you cannot keep up-so we lose interest in participating. Sometimes, as with me, we begin to resent any of our successful efforts not resulting in any benefit(think credit and remuneration for that effort. Further, we signed away our intellectual property-unless we keep it to ourselves. Someone must be smart enough to realize this only works best when the group has one brilliant introvert and one brilliant extrovert and a limited number of people who are implementers. Creative genius is a concept with copious amounts of thoughtful questioning, mental modeling, appropriate research and analysis. The challenges for most of us become effective communication skills and being able to market, This introvert detests marketing as it has little basis in reality as it projects a palatable fiction. Why are most group efforts mediocre? The Introvert thinkers comprise about 5% overall population-the appropriate dynamic is really hard to achieve.

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