Twelve months later and I've got to know Elli a little more, not just with the content of the articles, but with the conversations that went on behind the scenes. She has met some of the greats in the jazz world. Overcome obstacles, changed careers many a time and re-introduced herself back into the world of music at the age of 71. If I had half her story to tell I would be more than content. The image below is based on this re-introduction and follows the theme of "phoenix".
Want to know more, start with article "Still very cool" and get reading. Elli thanks for taking part and taking the time out over 2009.
After 11 months of questions, what do you feel as you read the words back?
Re-reading our first piece, I think it’s pretty thorough and I like it, except for where I pieced some of it together awkwardly with the new writing.
Reading it reminded me of an answer to your October question, which I then stopped to draft. I remembered assuming that first collaboration would be our only one, and I fleshed it out accordingly. At that point, I also mentioned some possibilities at the time which didn’t develop much. I also noticed that I was much more naive in January, had taken some inappropriate advice, and that I’m much better-managed, better self-managed and more knowledgeable now. This understanding lead to drafting the answer to your November question.
After re-reading all our pieces, I’m amazed at the quality of the work we’re synergistically doing. Your questions are so insightful and profound and I’m very happy with my responses (except for the typos missed while proofing – fresh eyes would help, something I’ll arrange if there’s no drastic improvement evident). Writing the pieces has often helped with a forthcoming interview, to counsel friends about their issues and/or to be more productive in my life-coaching work. I should probably re-read these periodically and take my own advice more seriously (LOL). The art work is so GORGEOUS and BRILLIANT and, though I’m not visually-oriented, the interplay between those concepts and the Q&As is stunning. Once again, thank you, Rajesh, for this opportunity. I hope we create many more in the series and that at some point it has broad distribution.
You may also want to read the following articles covering Elli's life:
Elli Fordyce – Still very cool
Elli Fordyce – In the light she dances...
Elli Fordyce – What's your type?
Elli Fordyce – No More Blues
Elli Fordyce – Inspiration
Elli Fordyce – Change
Elli Fordyce – Set in Stone
Elli Fordyce – The Writing's on the Wall
Elli Fordyce – Reflections
Elli Fordyce – Alone
Elli Fordyce – What the future holds...
Elli Fordyce – It ain't over
Free Wallpaper Images
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Useful Links
Elli Fordyce's Website:
You can follow Elli on twitter @ElliFordyce
Management: Redwood Entertainment [see artists page]
CD and samples available from | iTunes | CD Baby | Amazon | Napster | AmieST |
Certain images are provided and owned by © 2009 Elli Fordyce |
Desktop images and text created by R27 | © 2009 R27 Creativelab
One comment
And they say you can't get to know someone online - hah!
Take care for now Elli and I'll see/speak to you again in the new year.
by R27 CREATIVELAB on 20/12/2009, 15:28. #